During the spring of 2012, all organ harmoniums which are part of the Klaveren Hus collections were documented. For the work, a description scheme/protocol has been drawn up, which was used for the 156 instruments.
Apart from basic facts about inventory number, factory, manufacturing time, execution, etc. technical information is given here, the most important of which are the number of registers and reeds and which of these are present throughout. In all cases there is a “portrait” of the instrument, and in others sound samples of such organs which are in playable condition have been added. Information on pitch is given, where possible.
The intention is to present an instrument type in our collections to researchers and organ lovers in Sweden and to make our production available for international research. It pays to compare the instruments with the information in the catalogs from the organ factories, which are included in our collections and are being published in the Knowledge Bank under each factory.
The work has been carried out by Erland Zetterqvist and David Sundqvist. Where applicable, Eva Helenius has added historical comments.