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Sponsors and contributors
In saving the cultural heritage represented by our keyboard instruments the Klaverens Hus Association has many and high expenses for buying instruments and above all for transporting them to us. We thankfully receive gifts to our activities in order to complete the work of creating a collection of Swedish built keyboard instruments that mirror the development in our country (we are about half the way), of keeping a restoring workshop and of maintaining extensive and interesting activities of exhibitions, concerts and of publishing books, CD editions and more.
Continuous economic assistance to our BG 5964-8840 is of great value for the work to save this part of our cultural heritage from destruction.
Several organizations, foundations and companies have supported us financially and many private persons have given from pleasure and economic strength (only juridical persons are listed below):
Anders Kilström, professor, pianist Ann-Sofi Klingberg, pianist Bengt Andersson, pianist, piano teacher Campus Park, Vågbro Carl Wahren, piano technician Christian Svarfvar, violinist Crafoordska stiftelsen (the Crafoord Foundation) Fotografen, Mats Holm, Söderhamn Gävleborgs länsstyrelse Hans Leygraf, professor, pianist Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse (the Helge Ax:son Foundation) Herrljunga kommun (The Herrljunga local government) Inra AB through Inge Sandelius and Ragnhild Brodow, Marmaverken Jeanette Clayton, translator Johan Fröst, pianist Konfonium Audio AB through Per Hallgren, Vällingby Konung Gustav VI Adolfs fond för svensk kultur (Kungafonden; the Royal Foundation) Kungliga Musikaliska akademien (Royal Academy of Music) Kungliga Patriotiska Sällskapets Understödsfond (the Royal Patriotic Society Relief Fund) Lars Roos, pianist Leif Samuelsson, piano technician Linda Stråhle, piano technician Lucia Negro, pianist LW Ljudteknik AB through Roberth Wickström, Järfälla Mark Tatlow, professor, harpsichordist Martin Fröst, clarinet-player Mats Widund, professor, pianist Matti Hirvonen, pianist Musik Gävleborg Musik- och Teatermuseet, Stockholm Musiktransport AB through Kjell och Dick Rönnblom, Stockholm Nordea Ola Karlsson, professor, violoncello-player Riksantikvarieämbetet (National Board of Antiquities) Roland Pöntinen, pianist Rolf Ericzon, organist, pianist Scania, Södertälje Sparbanksstiftelsen Söderhamn (the Söderhamn Saving Bank Foundation) Spektrum Färg & Golvhuset i Söderhamn AB Staffan Scheja, professor, pianist Stefan Bojsten, professor, pianist Studiefrämjandet i Söderhamn Susanne Rydén, sopran Söderhamns kommun (the Söderhamn local government) Thomas Schuback, professor, pianist Thorleif Thedén, professor, violoncello-player Tore Uppström, pianist Ulrika Karsson, singer Yrkeshuset inom AME i Söderhamn Östen Häggmark, piano technician